Sometimes I watch and observe people communing with God in simple and complex ways and I am appalled. It’s beautiful to witness most times, but also extremely fascinating how variant it is for everyone. Our revelation of God shapes how we commune with Him and those around us and often times , it’s heavily dependent on how we were introduced to the concept of communion with the Most high .

The allegory of love between God and the Jewish people in song of songs for me is the best expression of vibing God
I love to vibe God ! It’s one of the things that I look forward to with much enthusiasm. To sit him in a corner or not and just whisper dope lines until he blushes from goodness in his word reiterated to him . I love to hear him respond , with a chill down my spine or a still small voice . With the kindness of a stranger , the dope lyrics of a song , the rhyming of a poem , the genius of birds and strange animals , the fluidity of life itself ……. in many many ways .
This Friday on #Qweshunga , we launch into the art of God vibe. We shall explore how God has been vibing us from the very start of creation and how we vibe him back in our many different and unique ways . This is an opportunity for those of us who have never tuned into His dope vibes to harken your ears to listen , maybe you might fall in love and start vibing him too.
At the end of the day , may we be reminded that God vibes us through his word , his people , the places he has given us , the gifts upon our lives and the work he has called us to do . May we learn to vibe him back in the service of others and in the heed to his call to draw near to him daily .
As we QWESHUNGA with God vibes in the coming episodes, may we be reminded to inspire , to play and to live !
John 17:3 , “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
Kennat waittt
You know it will lit 🔥
Absolutely kennat wait🥳🥳🥳